Sensitivity. Flushing. Redness. Heat.
Does any of this sound familiar? Most of us experience blushing at some point, maybe because we’re embarrassed, nervous or (best of all) in love! But persistent facial rouge can have nothing to do with how we’re feeling and everything to do with the condition of skin. Rosacea is a complex condition and it can become a real pain to live with, both figuratively and literally.What is Rosacea?
In short, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition very closely associated with sensitivity, redness and broken veins and capillaries. If left uninterrupted, pimples can show up too. The earliest signs of pre-rosacea include sensitivity and occasional flushing. A compromised barrier means the skin is reactive to external environments (wind, heat, cold) and flushes easily. This flushing can also occur after known triggers like spicy food or alcohol that amplify blood circulation. This process is called vasodilation.Consistent flushing puts pressure on the capillaries that deliver reddening blood to the skin. Like party balloons that have been filled up one too many times, they can eventually 'pop' and become a permeant fixture. The skin still needs blood supply, so the body makes replacement capillaries - if they burst too, the cycle continues. This can lead to permeant redness and flushing with stubborn red wiggles across the cheeks, nose and chin, introduce inflammation and... hello rosacea!
This complex condition is also closely associated with the delicate balance of the trillions of micro passengers in our body known as the microbiome. Scientists are still scratching their heads about whether a disrupted microbiome is a cause or effect of rosacea, but the link is undeniable.
If you’re recognising your skin in these words, you’re not alone. Rosacea impacts 5% of the world’s population. It’s more prevalent among women than men and, while it’s more often recognised in people with lighter skin and therefore common in Celtic regions, this might simply be because it’s more difficult to see redness in darker skin tones.
Things can only get better, right?
Unlike acne which might flourish and wane (luckily for us, painful pubescent breakouts balance out along with teenage mood swings and desire to slam doors, and even the most volcanic menstrual explosion rarely last all month) rosacea is known as a progressive skin condition, which means with no intervention, it won’t self-soothe.BUT...
In the spirit of skin positivity skin-positivity, it is possible to feel powerful while living with rosacea. For those whom rosacea is having a negative impact (it can be physically uncomfortable, impacting confidence and aesthetic esteem) there are also proactive steps you can take today.
Taking Action
Keeping a skin diary and getting familiar with your flushes is the quickest way to identify and avoid your triggers. These might include alcohol, spicy foods, hot drinks, and of course, stress.Hot showers and washing skin with water that’s too hot will dry out all skin types including those with sensitive skin and rosacea, so always go for warm instead of hot.
The wrong skincare will also impact those with rosacea and all types, so it’s important to consult a skincare professional. Tag teaming with a professional is the most effective way to support your skin. I can support you with redness and sensitivity but your GP will be a useful resource too. Your medical professional may suggest prescription treatment and skincare to create a holistic plan. Regardless of the route you settle on, you will need a balanced cleanser, broad-spectrum sunscreen and perhaps a hydrating serum to protect the skin.
Millions of people globally live happily and confidently with rosacea, others seek intervention and support. No matter where you are on that spectrum, I am here, on hand to help you unlock your skin’s potential and feel truly powerful in your skin.

Ask the Expert!
If you’d like a consultation to discuss your homecare skincare routine, or have any other skin concerns, please contact me.
Telephone and video appointments are available as well as face-to-face consultations. Your consultation will typically takes 30 minutes and is valuable for you to feel educated about your skin health and confident in your product choice.